Choose the Correct Option

Choose the Correct Answer


Column A Column B
1. SWOT analysis 1. A tool used to analyze the external environment
2. PESTEL analysis 2. A tool used to analyze the internal environment
3. Porter’s Five Forces 3. A framework for analyzing the competitive environment of an industry
4. Blue Ocean Strategy 4. A strategy that focuses on creating new markets
5. Corporate-level
5. A strategy that focuses on the overall scope and direction of a company
6. Cost leadership 6. A strategy of achieving competitive advantage by being the lowest-cost producer in an industry
7. Differentiation 7. A strategy of achieving competitive advantage by offering unique or superior value to customers
8. Diversification 8. A strategy for entering new industries or markets
9. Market segmentation 9. A strategy of dividing a market into subgroups of consumers with similar needs or characteristics
10. Mergers and acquisitions 10. A strategy of combining two or more companies into one