Choose the Correct Option

1- ———— is a short statement of an organization’s purpose, identifying the goal of its operations.
(A) Long statement
(B) Mission statement
(C) Complex statement
(D) None of the above

Answer: (B) Mission statement

2-   Financing strategy is ———- to an organization’s strategic plan.

(A) Integral
(B) External
(C) Inner
(D) Analysis

Answer: (AIntegral

3- The statement of mission reflects the ———–

(A) Corporate Philosophy
(B) Identity of an organization
(C) Image of an organization.
(D) All of the above

Answer: (D) All of the above

4-   ————- uses an extroverted approach

(A) Introverted Strategy
(B) Complicated Strategy
(C) Corporate Strategy
(D) Value Strategy

Answer: (C) Corporate Strategy

5- The market leader is a ———— that has the largest market share in an industry and which can use its dominance to affect the competitive landscape and direction the market takes.
(A) Challenger
(B) Person
(C) Market
(D) Company

Answer: (D) Company

10- ————-means gaining an advantage through re-search and development.
(A Technological Leadership

(B) Acquiring scarce assets
(C) Allowing pre-existing

(D) Bearing in mind

 Answer: (A) Technological Leadership

  1. Fundamental purpose for the existence of any organization is described by its——-

A). Policies

B). Mission

C). Procedures

 D). Strategy

Ans. (B) Mission

  1. The fundamental purpose of an organization’s mission statement is to———–

A).  Create a good human relations climate in the organization

B).  Define the organization’s purpose in society

 C).  Define the operational structure of the organization

D).  Generate good public relations for the organization

Ans (B).  Define the organization’s purpose in society

  1. What is the purpose of a strategic plan?

A). To provide a detailed set of rules and procedures for the organization.

B). To identify the competition’s strengths and weaknesses.

 C). To provide guidance for decision-making.

D). To provide a long-term plan of action to achieve the organization’s goals.

Answer: (D) To provide a long-term plan of action to achieve the organization’s goals.

  1. What is a differentiation strategy?

A). A strategy that focuses on reducing costs to offer products at lower prices than competitors.

B). A strategy that focuses on offering unique and superior products or services compared to competitors.

C). A strategy that focuses on serving a specific customer segment or niche market.

D). A strategy that focuses on growing the business through mergers and acquisitions.

Answer: (B) A strategy that focuses on offering unique and superior products or services compared to competitors.

  1. What is a mission statement?

A). A statement that outlines the organization’s long-term goals and aspirations.

B). A statement that provides guidance for decision-making.

C). A statement that identifies the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

D). A statement that outlines the organization’s purpose and reason for existing.

Answer: (D) A statement that outlines the organization’s purpose and reason for existing.

  1. Which of the following is not a step in the strategic management process?

A). Evaluating the strategic plan

B). Formulating a strategy

C). Implementing the strategy

D). Hiring new employees

Answer:(D) Hiring new employees.

  1. What is a business-level strategy?

A). A strategy that focuses on the overall direction and scope of the entire organization.

  1. B) A strategy that focuses on the specific business unit or product line.

C). A strategy that focuses on a specific customer segment or niche market.

 D). A strategy that focuses on the allocation of resources within the organization.

Answer: (B) A strategy that focuses on the specific business unit or product line.

  1. What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?

A). A mission statement outlines the organization’s purpose and reason for existing, while a vision statement outlines the organization’s long-term aspirations and goals.

  1. B) A mission statement outlines the organization’s long-term goals, while a vision statement provides guidance for decision-making.

 C). A mission statement and a vision statement are the same things.

D). A mission statement provides guidance for decision-making, while a vision statement is focused on external factors.

Answer: (A) A mission statement outlines the organization’s purpose and reason for existing, while a vision statement outlines the organization’s long-term aspirations and goals.

  1. What is a diversification strategy?

 A). A strategy that focuses on reducing costs to offer products at lower prices than competitors.

  1. B) A strategy that focuses on offering unique and superior products or services compared to competitors.

C). A strategy that involves expanding the business into new products or markets.

D). A strategy that involves selling off or discontinuing a business unit or product line.

Answer: (C) A strategy that involves expanding the business into new products or markets.

  1. What is a core competency?

A). A unique strength or advantage that an organization has compared to its competitors.

 B). A specific set of rules and procedures for the organization.

C). A detailed plan of action to achieve the organization’s goals.

 D). A comprehensive analysis of the organization’s internal and external environments.

Answer: (D) A unique strength or advantage that an organization has compared to its competitors.

Features OF Business Strategy

Business strategy refers to the long-term plan of action designed to achieve specific business goals and objectives. The features of business strategy include.

  • A clear and compelling vision and mission are the foundation of any effective business strategy. They provide direction and purpose to the organization and serve as a guide for decision-making.
  • Business strategy is goal-oriented, focusing on achieving specific objectives. Goals may include increasing market share, improving profitability, or expanding into new markets.
  • An effective business strategy requires a thorough understanding of the external environment in which the organization operates. This includes analyzing factors such as market trends, competitor activity, and regulatory changes.
  • Business strategy involves making strategic choices about how to allocate resources, including financial, human, and physical resources, to achieve business goals.
  • Business strategy involves positioning the organization in a way that gives it a competitive advantage over rivals. This may involve differentiation through product or service offerings, cost leadership, or a combination of both.
  • Effective business strategies are flexible and adaptable to changing market conditions and business environments. This requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the strategy to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.
  • Business strategy requires effective implementation, including clear communication of the strategy to all stakeholders, alignment of resources and activities with the strategy, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the strategy is being executed effectively.

Overall, an effective business strategy is a dynamic and comprehensive plan of action that enables organizations to achieve their goals and objectives in a rapidly changing business environment.

Key concepts to learn

Column 1

Column 2


Mission Statement

Company’s purpose, values, and goals

External Environment

Factors outside the company that can impact its operations

Internal Analysis

Assessing the company’s strengths and weaknesses

Competitive Advantage

Unique qualities that give the company an edge over rivals

Corporate Level Strategy

Decisions about the company’s overall scope and direction

Business Level Strategy

Decisions about how to compete in a specific industry or market

Functional Level Strategy

Decisions about how various departments work together to achieve the overall strategy

Organizational Structure

The framework for how the organization is designed and how it operates

Innovation and Change Management

How organizations identify, develop, and manage innovation and change

About Business Policy and Strategy

Business Policy and Strategy is a field of study concerned with the formulation and implementation of effective business strategies. It involves analyzing a company’s internal and external environment, identifying its strengths and weaknesses, and formulating strategies to capitalize on opportunities and overcome threats. The aim of Business Policy and Strategy is to help companies achieve their goals and objectives in a competitive and ever-changing marketplace.

At a high level, Business Policy and Strategy can be broken down into three levels: Corporate, Business, and Functional levels. The corporate-level strategy involves decisions about the company’s overall scope and direction, such as mergers and acquisitions or diversification. The business-level strategy involves decisions about how to compete in a specific industry or market, such as cost leadership or differentiation. The functional-level strategy involves decisions about how various departments work together to achieve the overall strategy, such as marketing or operations.

Effective Business Policy and Strategy require a deep understanding of the industry and market in which the company operates, as well as an ability to identify and capitalize on emerging trends and opportunities. It also requires strong leadership and decision-making skills, as well as the ability to manage change and adapt to new circumstances. Overall, Business Policy and Strategy is a critical aspects of running a successful business in today’s competitive and dynamic marketplace